Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
Blog Categories

Where to Donate Clothes to Make a Difference
From homeless shelters to Dress for Success to loved ones, there are many options for thoughtfully donating your unwanted clothing.

Eating Disorders Among Latinas
Eating disorders are just as common amongst Latinas as non-Hispanic whites. In fact, Latinas have unique risk factors for eating disorders like conflicting cultural beauty ideals and mental health stigma.

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image
The harms of the media in relation to eating behaviors and body image have been documented for decades now. Learn the evidence-backed impacts of social media on body image and how to prevent these harms.

Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorder. How They Differ and Overlap.
Disordered eating and eating disorders exist on the same spectrum, but eating disorders are more severe. Learn about the differences, overlaps, and how to find help.

What Is Healthism and Why Is It Problematic?
Healthism makes health an individual endeavor, rather than a systemic one. Learn more about what healthism is and why it’s problematic.

3 Reasons to Get Rid of Your Scale
Weighing yourself regularly can cause you to become obsessed with weight and disconnected from your body. Learn more about the harms of weighing yourself regularly.

5 Signs A Social Media Account is Promoting Diet Culture
Sometimes, diet-centric accounts are sneaky and subtle. You might feel something is off but not be able to pinpoint the way these accounts are promoting diet culture. Learn five warning signs that an account is probably diet-centric and harmful to your food freedom journey.

'I hate my body'. Why this happens and how to cope.
Feeling like you hate your body is a tough place to be. It may be a sign of a rough body image day, or sometimes it’s a sign of a mental health illness. Learn more about why this happens and how to cope.

Saying 'I feel fat' can be harmful. Here's what to say instead.
Saying “I feel fat” can harm those around you by perpetuating anti-fat bias. It also doesn’t express what your internal experience really is. Learn how it causes harm and what to say instead.

What is a HAES Dietitian? Plus, What to Expect Working With One.
A HAES dietitian can help promote your health without centering weight. Learn what a HAES dietitian does and whether you’d benefit from working with a HAES dietitian.

5 Tips to Accept Intuitive Eating Weight Gain
Gaining weight is one very real possibility of intuitive eating. Although this is often met with fear or resistance, you can learn to accept it and view it neutrally. Learn 5 tips to accept intuitive eating weight gain.

Intuitive Eating Before and After: What Results to Expect
Before and after photos are all too common, but they can cause real harm. Learn what before and after transformations to expect with intuitive eating, plus whether weight loss can be achieved with this non-diet approach.

Body Checking: What It Is and How to Stop
Looking in the mirror to see how your outfit looks, weighing yourself every few months, or checking your teeth for lettuce are all normal behaviors. We all check our bodies to some extent! However, body checking can wreak havoc on your mental health when it becomes obsessive or compulsive. Learn what body checking is, why it’s harmful, and how to stop.

BMI is BS. Here's Why.
From health insurance to doctor’s visits, BMI is widely used in our medical system. It’s where the terms “overweight” and “obese” come from, and it’s often used to indicate someone’s health status. Learn about its problematic roots and the AMA’s latest stance on BMI.

Having a Bad Body Image Day? Here's 10 Tips
Having a bad body image day is normal and doesn’t mean your relationship with your body is doomed. Whether you’re in eating disorder or disordered eating recovery, dealing with decades of body dissatisfaction, or simply a human in this world where it can be so hard to love your body, you are not alone.
Learn 10 tips to care for yourself on bad body image days.

Learn to Respect Your Body With These 10 Tips
Body respect takes work, but it can help you build a better relationship with your body. We share 10 dietitian-approved tips to build respect for your body.

Learn To Trust Your Body With These 5 Tips
Trusting your body can be a tough feat in today’s world. In a society that has told us that we need tips to dull our hunger, diet plans to control our eating, and exercise plans to manage our weight, it’s no wonder so many people don’t trust their bodies. But having mutual trust with your body can be an empowering experience. Learn five tips to renew trust in your body.

50 Positive Affirmations for Body Image
Everyone wants to have a good relationship with their body, yet most people struggle with this. With the constant bombardment of messaging about the “ideal” body from the media, it makes sense that many of us would struggle to have a positive body image. Affirmations may help cultivate a better body image.

Can I Practice Intuitive Eating if I Want to Lose Weight?
Intuitive eating is a weight-neutral, non-diet approach to nutrition, but when you’re first starting your journey part of you may still hope for weight loss. Learn how to start your food freedom journey even if still you want to lose weight.

What is Set Point Weight Theory?
Weight set point theory explains why different people’s bodies gravitate towards different weight ranges, even if they all eat the same and workout the same. Learn whether your set point weight range can change and how to know your weight set point.