Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
Blog Categories
3 Tips for Dealing with New Year Diet and Weight Talk
Entering a new year means diet culture is out in full force. There’s lots of pressure to work towards health goals which is often code for appearance-related goals. Learn 3 tips for managing these comments and continuing on your food freedom journey.
Where to Donate Clothes to Make a Difference
From homeless shelters to Dress for Success to loved ones, there are many options for thoughtfully donating your unwanted clothing.
How to Manage Your Holiday Eating Fears
A dietitian addresses four common food fears that arise during the holiday season and how you can move past them to support a healthy relationship with food.
Is Your Movement Rooted in Shame?
Many exercise spaces use shame to motivate you, but for physical activity to be sustainable, it has to be empowering. Learn how to embrace empowered movement instead of shame-based movement.
The Impact of Social Media on Body Image
The harms of the media in relation to eating behaviors and body image have been documented for decades now. Learn the evidence-backed impacts of social media on body image and how to prevent these harms.
3 Tips for Eating Out From an Anti-Diet Dietitian
Eating out has become pretty demonized by our society. In non-covid times, this is one way the diet mentality negatively impacts our social lives. We may be restricted in ways that prevent us from socializing when there’s food involved. Or if we do attend a gathering with food, we may be totally preoccupied with the food and not present with our companions. Whether you’ve been dining out or have been sticking with takeout for the past year, maybe you’ve experienced stress or other uncomfortable emotions surrounding eating out.
Here are 3 tips to manage eating out from an intuitive eating mindset
Fear Foods: How to Identify and Reintroduce Them
Fear foods are common amongst those struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder. Learn what they are, how to identify them and how to reintroduce them.
What Is Healthism and Why Is It Problematic?
Healthism makes health an individual endeavor, rather than a systemic one. Learn more about what healthism is and why it’s problematic.
5 Signs A Social Media Account is Promoting Diet Culture
Sometimes, diet-centric accounts are sneaky and subtle. You might feel something is off but not be able to pinpoint the way these accounts are promoting diet culture. Learn five warning signs that an account is probably diet-centric and harmful to your food freedom journey.
Why Secret Eating Happens and How to Address It
Eating can be a great way to connect with others, but eating in secret can be a sign of a disordered relationship with food. Learn what secret eating is, what causes it, and how to overcome it.
Overcoming 3 Common Fears for New Intuitive Eaters
On the one hand, ditching diets may sound great to you. However, embarking on a food freedom journey might also bring up some fear. Learn how to overcome 3 common fears for new intuitive eaters.
5 Tips to Prevent Bingeing on Halloween Candy
All the candy present at Halloween can cause a lot of fear, especially since sugar is so demonized in society today. Learn 5 tips to make peace with candy so you can prevent bingeing and make the most of Halloween.
5 Tips to Accept Intuitive Eating Weight Gain
Gaining weight is one very real possibility of intuitive eating. Although this is often met with fear or resistance, you can learn to accept it and view it neutrally. Learn 5 tips to accept intuitive eating weight gain.
Body Checking: What It Is and How to Stop
Looking in the mirror to see how your outfit looks, weighing yourself every few months, or checking your teeth for lettuce are all normal behaviors. We all check our bodies to some extent! However, body checking can wreak havoc on your mental health when it becomes obsessive or compulsive. Learn what body checking is, why it’s harmful, and how to stop.
Having a Bad Body Image Day? Here's 10 Tips
Having a bad body image day is normal and doesn’t mean your relationship with your body is doomed. Whether you’re in eating disorder or disordered eating recovery, dealing with decades of body dissatisfaction, or simply a human in this world where it can be so hard to love your body, you are not alone.
Learn 10 tips to care for yourself on bad body image days.
Learn to Respect Your Body With These 10 Tips
Body respect takes work, but it can help you build a better relationship with your body. We share 10 dietitian-approved tips to build respect for your body.
What You Need To Know About Weight Stigma
Studies have shown that healthcare providers are some of the worst perpetrators of weight stigma.
For example, one study including 122 physicians found that the physicians were more likely to prescribe more tests to, spend less time with, and have negative views about heavier patients.
Another study found that among dietetic students and professionals, negative attitudes about higher weight patients were extremely prevalent.
Learn To Trust Your Body With These 5 Tips
Trusting your body can be a tough feat in today’s world. In a society that has told us that we need tips to dull our hunger, diet plans to control our eating, and exercise plans to manage our weight, it’s no wonder so many people don’t trust their bodies. But having mutual trust with your body can be an empowering experience. Learn five tips to renew trust in your body.
50 Positive Affirmations for Body Image
Everyone wants to have a good relationship with their body, yet most people struggle with this. With the constant bombardment of messaging about the “ideal” body from the media, it makes sense that many of us would struggle to have a positive body image. Affirmations may help cultivate a better body image.
How to Reclaim Your Movement Practice From Diet Culture
Movement doesn’t have to be a life-long struggle. Working towards detangling movement from diet culture not only promotes more sustainable, fun movement, it can also promote bone health, heart health, stress reduction, and boost your mood.