Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
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Corn vs Flour Tortillas: Which is Healthier?
Discover the nutritional differences between corn and flour tortillas and learn which one is healthier for your diet. Get insights on fiber, carbs, and more!

Flour Tortillas: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Flour tortillas are a Mexican food staple, but many people worry they’re unhealthy. Learn the nutrition facts and health effects of flour tortillas.

Is Mexican Rice Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of Mexican rice.
Although white rice gets a bad rap, Mexican rice provides carbs, fiber, and antioxidants that promote overall health. Learn more about its nutrition, benefits, and potential health drawbacks.

What is Loroco? Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses.
Loroco is an edible flower native to Central America. It’s full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help prevent chronic disease.

Are Nopales Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of nopales.
Nopales are full of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. In turn, they’re good for cholesterol, blood sugars, and gut health.

Is Guacamole Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of guacamole.
Guacamole is rich in fiber, heart-healthy fat, and antioxidants that can promote gut, heart, and metabolic health. Learn more about the nutrition, benefits, and uses for guacamole.

Are Enchiladas Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of enchiladas.
Enchiladas are full of fiber, protein, micronutrients, and antioxidants that promote overall health. But the specific nutrition content depends on how you prepare them.

Canned vs Dried Beans: Which is Better?
Canned beans are way more convenient than dried beans, but are they less healthy? Learn the differences between canned and dried beans, including nutrition, convenience, and cost.

7 Types of White Rice. Which is the Healthiest?
White rice is a beloved cultural food for many. Learn a few different types of white rice, what makes them unique, and whether some are healthier than others.

3 Agua de Jamaica Benefits
Agua de jamaica, or hibiscus tea, is full of antioxidants that can help lower blood pressure, reduce chronic disease risk, and counter inflammation.

What Role Do Boundaries Play in Ditching Diets?
When ditching diets, boundaries can help you practice self-care in the face of unwanted food and body comments. Learn why they're important and examples of boundaries to set.

Craving Carbs? Here are 6 reasons why.
Craving carbs can happen from skipping meals, being physically active, insulin resistance, and more. Learn 6 reasons why carb cravings happen and how to prevent them.

Is Horchata Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of horchata.
Mexican horchata is a creamy and refreshing drink made with rice and milk that’s full of vitamins and minerals. Learn about its nutrition profile, health benefits, and drawbacks.

Should I follow USDA’s MyPlate?
MyPlate can be a helpful visual for some, but it limits you to meals clearly separated into five compartments. Learn more about the strengths and limitations of MyPlate.

Is Salsa Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of salsa.
Salsa is a source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that promote gut, heart, and metabolic health. Learn more about the nutrition, benefits, and potential drawbacks of salsa.

Can You Practice Intuitive Eating on a Budget?
Intuitive eating has amazing benefits, but it’s not suitable for those with food insecurity. Learn why and how to practice intuitive eating on a budget.

Are Tacos Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of tacos.
Tacos are a well-rounded meal that can be affordable to prepare at home. Learn more about the health benefits of tacos.

Are Quesadillas Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of quesadillas.
Quesadillas contain carbs, fat, fiber, and protein—the markers of a well-rounded meal. Learn more about the nutrition benefits and potential drawbacks of quesadillas.

Are Tamales Healthy? A nutrition breakdown of tamales.
Tamales are a Mexican cultural staple food, yet you may fear they’re not good for you. In reality, they’re packed with nutrition. Learn more about tamales’ health benefits and risks.

3 Reasons Carbs are Essential
It’s no secret that diet culture’s current enemy is carbs. Keto, low-carb, and no-carb diets are incredibly popular, but in reality, carbs are a super important food group. Learn 3 reasons why.