3 Facts You Need to Know to Up Your Hydration Game

written by isabel vasquez rd, ldn

3 Facts You Need to Know to Up Your Hydration Game for Latinas Pinterest.png

Hydration. It’s an important component of health and well-being. Not only does it help us feel better on the daily, but it also helps prevent kidney stones, regulates body temperature, ensures our organs are functioning correctly, and much more! Do you feel lost when it comes to how to stay hydrated and how to know if you even are hydrated? I’m excited to share these facts with you to bring more creativity into your hydration and help you ensure you’re staying hydrated!

1.Drinking water isn’t the only way to hydrate

Yes, water is great. And there are other ways to stay hydrated besides drinking water. Some ideas include drinking sparkling water, water with fruit slices, milk (a jam-packed source of nutrition), smoothies, and really any other beverage. Furthermore, foods with a high water content like fruits and vegetables contribute to hydration. So if you eat more of those, you may not need to drink as many fluids to stay hydrated.

Time to bust a myth! As is explained on hydrationcheck.com, research shows that drinking caffeinated beverages in moderation is not dehydrating. They state, “That’s 4-5 eight (8) oz cups of coffee, tea, or soda per day. Remember any fluids ingested will help cells become hydrated, including juice, iced tea, or soda.”

2. Hydration isn’t one-size-fits-all

You have probably heard the recommendation to drink 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. That is a good estimate for most people, but there are other factors that can impact your fluid needs. For example, if you live in a hot, humid climate, you will have higher fluid needs. The same is true for when you are active and/or when you are sweating a lot. 

The best way to stay hydrated is also not one-size-fits all! For some, staying hydrated is easy. They may have strong, frequent thirst signals that promote regular hydration. Others may not have these signals as frequently. And they still need to stay hydrated! If you’re looking for ways to up your hydration game, try always having a drink with you at your desk, in your bag, or wherever you spend a lot of the day. Also think of ways to build it into your routine. For example, having a glass of fluid with every meal and snack can significantly contribute to meeting your fluid needs. Some people also thrive using water bottles that have markers for hydration goals by the hour.

3. Thirst isn’t the only sign of dehydration

As I briefly mentioned above, thirst is individual. Some people feel thirst more than others, and we all still need to stay hydrated. Some other signs of dehydration include fatigue, headache, low energy, and slower cognition. 

If you are wondering how hydrated you are, a good way to tell is by the color of your urine. Check out this resource to gauge what your urine color says about your hydration status. Something important to note is that things like vitamin C, beets, and riboflavin can impact the color of your urine and adjust the reliability of urine color as an indication of hydration status.

As summer approaches and our fluid needs increase, consider these facts to promote adequate hydration!


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