Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
Blog Categories
What is Food Noise? And 4 Ways to Manage It
Food noise is persistent, unwanted thoughts about food. It can take up lots of mental real estate, but there are a few ways to manage it.
Where to Donate Clothes to Make a Difference
From homeless shelters to Dress for Success to loved ones, there are many options for thoughtfully donating your unwanted clothing.
Fear Foods: How to Identify and Reintroduce Them
Fear foods are common amongst those struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder. Learn what they are, how to identify them and how to reintroduce them.
Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorder. How They Differ and Overlap.
Disordered eating and eating disorders exist on the same spectrum, but eating disorders are more severe. Learn about the differences, overlaps, and how to find help.
Overcoming 3 Common Fears for New Intuitive Eaters
On the one hand, ditching diets may sound great to you. However, embarking on a food freedom journey might also bring up some fear. Learn how to overcome 3 common fears for new intuitive eaters.
5 Tips For A Diet-Free Holiday Season
Unfortunately, the holidays usually spark lots of diet and weight talk, with people fearful of holiday foods and potential weight gain. Learn how to navigate the holiday season from a non-diet lens.
Saying 'I feel fat' can be harmful. Here's what to say instead.
Saying “I feel fat” can harm those around you by perpetuating anti-fat bias. It also doesn’t express what your internal experience really is. Learn how it causes harm and what to say instead.
Take the Your Latina Nutrition Food Freedom Quiz!
Food freedom may seem far-fetched, but you can absolutely find food freedom with work and intention. Take our food freedom quiz to learn if you have made peace with food.
5 Tips to Accept Intuitive Eating Weight Gain
Gaining weight is one very real possibility of intuitive eating. Although this is often met with fear or resistance, you can learn to accept it and view it neutrally. Learn 5 tips to accept intuitive eating weight gain.
Why Do I Feel Guilty After Eating?
Feeling guilty after eating is unfortunately pretty common, and it’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food.
But you don’t have to stay stuck feeling guilty after eating forever. Learn what food guilt is, what causes it, and how to stop feeling guilty after eating.
The 5 Best Books About Emotional Eating
These days, emotional eating is all over the media. Diet culture has portrayed it as something shameful and to avoid when in reality, we eat for many reasons, one reason being our emotions! Learn whether emotional eating is something to be concerned about, and the 5 best books about emotional eating.
Learn To Trust Your Body With These 5 Tips
Trusting your body can be a tough feat in today’s world. In a society that has told us that we need tips to dull our hunger, diet plans to control our eating, and exercise plans to manage our weight, it’s no wonder so many people don’t trust their bodies. But having mutual trust with your body can be an empowering experience. Learn five tips to renew trust in your body.
Can I Practice Intuitive Eating if I Want to Lose Weight?
Intuitive eating is a weight-neutral, non-diet approach to nutrition, but when you’re first starting your journey part of you may still hope for weight loss. Learn how to start your food freedom journey even if still you want to lose weight.
C.H.U.L.A. Method Breakdown: Acknowledge Your Emotions
Emotional eating gets a bad rap, but it’s not always bad. Learn how to acknowledge your emotions around food and your body to work towards a better relationship with them.
Grieving What You Miss From Dieting
Ditching diets can be exciting but also scary. Learn how to address some aspects of dieting you might miss: a goal, building confidence, and community.