Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
Blog Categories

Mexican Fruit: A Complete Nutrition Guide
Mexican cuisine relies heavily on nutrient-rich fruit like mango, watermelon, avocado, papaya, and pineapple. Learn all about the nutrition benefits and uses of 22 Mexican fruit.

The Pros and Cons of Intuitive Eating for Latinas
Intuitive eating is an amazing framework for promoting health and fostering a better relationship to food, but there are drawbacks for Latinas that get overlooked. Learn all about the pros and cons of intuitive eating for Latinas.

10 Traditional Noche Buena Foods in the Dominican Republic
Noche buena—the night before Christmas—is a night of celebration for Dominicans, including delicious food. Learn 10 Dominican noche buena foods and their nutritional value.

Caribbean Fruits: A Complete Guide
There are loads of Caribbean fruits and they’re all packed with nutrition. Learn the common uses, flavor, and nutrition of 15 Caribbean fruits.

Intuitive Eating for Diabetes: An In-Depth Guide
Despite many people thinking they have to adopt a restrictive mindset around carbs to manage diabetes, intuitive eating is a viable, research-backed option. Learn how you can use intuitive eating to manage your diabetes without harsh food rules.

Is Corn Good for Diabetes? An In-Depth Guide
Corn is a Latine food staple, especially in Mexican, Peruvian, Venezuelan, and Colombian cuisine. It forms the basis for foods like arepas, tortillas, and tamales. With our Latine community facing relatively high rates of diabetes, you may wonder whether corn is part of a healthy diet for diabetes.

What Are The Social Determinants of Health?
The social determinants of health account for systemic factors—those outside of people’s control—that impact health. Learn what these factors are and how they impact health.

Is MSG Really Bad For Me?
Many associate MSG with harmful effects on health; however, this association isn’t backed by research. In fact, it’s rooted in xenophobia and racism. Learn MSG’s effects on health and how it got such a bad rap.

Setting Boundaries With Your Latine Family
Boundaries can support your food freedom journey, but there are unique challenges for Latines. Learn tips for setting boundaries, especially with your Latine family.

3 Things I Learned From My Abuela About Food
If we are consistently eating way past comfortable fullness due to pressure from our families, we probably aren’t honoring our bodies. Yet, we don’t want to disrespect our abuelas or mothers by saying no. We can work on setting kind boundaries - things like “Abuela, the food was amazing! I’m full now, but can I please have some to take home with me?”

Are Latine Foods Nutritious?
Despite what you may have heard, Latine cultural foods are full of nutrition. Learn the nutrition benefits of common Latine foods.