Chula, ven con gusto

In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.

You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.

Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!

What's the Deal with Dairy?
Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez

What's the Deal with Dairy?

In recent years, non-dairy alternatives have exploded in popularity, while dairy has fallen out of fashion. Part of this shift is related to confusion and fear around the health consequences of dairy products. Learn what the research says about dairy’s impact on skin health, gastrointestinal issues, and heart disease.

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What Is Fiber and What Is Its Role In Health?
Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez

What Is Fiber and What Is Its Role In Health?

Fiber is helpful for preventing and managing constipation, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Believe it or not, adding fiber doesn’t have to mean ditching your Latine cultural foods for Eurocentric ones! Our Latine dishes contain a variety of high-fiber foods including salsas, plátanos, avocado, and yuca.

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What is Gentle Nutrition? Plus 3 Tips to Get Started
Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez

What is Gentle Nutrition? Plus 3 Tips to Get Started

If you’re familiar with intuitive eating, then you know that honoring your health with gentle nutrition is the final principle. Here at Your Latina Nutrition we like to incorporate positive nutrition. That means rather than diet culture’s restrictive rules about what you should or shouldn’t eat, we focus on how you can add nutrition to promote your health.

Learn what gentle nutrition is, who could benefit from it, and three tips to get started.

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Can I Manage My High Cholesterol With Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating, Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez Intuitive Eating, Gentle Nutrition Isabel Vasquez

Can I Manage My High Cholesterol With Intuitive Eating?

When beginning your intuitive eating journey, it’s normal to have a lot of doubts and questions. One I hear often is how to manage a chronic health condition with intuitive eating. You might wonder, how can I stop dieting if I need to adopt certain eating patterns to manage this condition? High cholesterol is a common concern in our Latinx community so in this blog, we’ll talk about what high cholesterol is and how intuitive eating can help!

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Food Habituation: The Case for Eating Whatever You Want
Gentle Nutrition, Intuitive Eating Isabel Vasquez Gentle Nutrition, Intuitive Eating Isabel Vasquez

Food Habituation: The Case for Eating Whatever You Want

Have you ever avoided keeping a specific food in the house out of fear you’ll eat the whole package in one sitting? Many people avoid keeping chips, cake, cookies, or ice cream around for this very reason.

But what if I told you that keeping these foods around could actually heal your relationship with them?

We think the issue is the food itself and that the solution is simply to avoid it. We end up depriving ourselves of foods we really enjoy! Or we don’t give ourselves the chance to neutrally observe whether or not we even like the food. Food habituation can help.

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