Chula, ven con gusto
In the Your Latina Nutrition blog, we help you learn to nourish & respect your body without harsh food rules, overcome cycles of bingeing and restriction, and embrace your here-and-now body.
You can do this all while keeping your cultural foods alive & adopting health-promoting behaviors.
Enjoy our research-backed articles written by registered dietitians Isabel and Dalina!
Blog Categories
5 Tips For A Diet-Free Holiday Season
Unfortunately, the holidays usually spark lots of diet and weight talk, with people fearful of holiday foods and potential weight gain. Learn how to navigate the holiday season from a non-diet lens.
Caribbean Fruits: A Complete Guide
There are loads of Caribbean fruits and they’re all packed with nutrition. Learn the common uses, flavor, and nutrition of 15 Caribbean fruits.
5 Tips to Prevent Bingeing on Halloween Candy
All the candy present at Halloween can cause a lot of fear, especially since sugar is so demonized in society today. Learn 5 tips to make peace with candy so you can prevent bingeing and make the most of Halloween.
Mexican Vegetables: A Complete Nutrition Guide
Despite common misconceptions that Mexican food is unhealthy, Mexican cuisine is full of vegetables like peppers, onions, squash, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Learn the health benefits and uses of 17 Mexican vegetables.
What Is Fiber and What Is Its Role In Health?
Fiber is helpful for preventing and managing constipation, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Believe it or not, adding fiber doesn’t have to mean ditching your Latine cultural foods for Eurocentric ones! Our Latine dishes contain a variety of high-fiber foods including salsas, plátanos, avocado, and yuca.
Saying 'I feel fat' can be harmful. Here's what to say instead.
Saying “I feel fat” can harm those around you by perpetuating anti-fat bias. It also doesn’t express what your internal experience really is. Learn how it causes harm and what to say instead.
How to Stop Snacking Constantly: Why You're Doing It and 5 Tips to Stop
Feeling out of control with snacks can be stressful, and the likely cause may surprise you. Learn why you can’t stop snacking, plus 5 tips to manage it.
Take the Your Latina Nutrition Food Freedom Quiz!
Food freedom may seem far-fetched, but you can absolutely find food freedom with work and intention. Take our food freedom quiz to learn if you have made peace with food.
What is the Difference Between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?
Many people use the words “dietitian” and “nutritionist” interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. Learn the difference between the two and which one you should work with.
What is a HAES Dietitian? Plus, What to Expect Working With One.
A HAES dietitian can help promote your health without centering weight. Learn what a HAES dietitian does and whether you’d benefit from working with a HAES dietitian.
5 Tips to Accept Intuitive Eating Weight Gain
Gaining weight is one very real possibility of intuitive eating. Although this is often met with fear or resistance, you can learn to accept it and view it neutrally. Learn 5 tips to accept intuitive eating weight gain.
Intuitive Eating Before and After: What Results to Expect
Before and after photos are all too common, but they can cause real harm. Learn what before and after transformations to expect with intuitive eating, plus whether weight loss can be achieved with this non-diet approach.
Intuitive Eating for Diabetes: An In-Depth Guide
Despite many people thinking they have to adopt a restrictive mindset around carbs to manage diabetes, intuitive eating is a viable, research-backed option. Learn how you can use intuitive eating to manage your diabetes without harsh food rules.
What to Eat When You Don't Know What to Eat: 60 meal ideas
Not knowing what to eat happens to all of us, yet we need regular meals to feel good and stay energized. Learn 3 ways to navigate this, plus 60 meal ideas.
Intuitive Movement: What It Is and 8 Tips to Embrace It
Exercise has a rigid connotation that can turn people off. Intuitive movement, on the other hand, invites you to connect with your body and let that guide your physical activity. Learn what it is, and 8 tips to practice it.
Hungry But Nothing Sounds Good? Here's why and what to do about it.
Experiencing hunger without an appetite can happen for a variety of reasons, from depression to a nutrient deficiency and more. Learn six reasons why this happens and dietitian-approved tips for what to eat when it does.
Body Checking: What It Is and How to Stop
Looking in the mirror to see how your outfit looks, weighing yourself every few months, or checking your teeth for lettuce are all normal behaviors. We all check our bodies to some extent! However, body checking can wreak havoc on your mental health when it becomes obsessive or compulsive. Learn what body checking is, why it’s harmful, and how to stop.
Why Do I Feel Guilty After Eating?
Feeling guilty after eating is unfortunately pretty common, and it’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food.
But you don’t have to stay stuck feeling guilty after eating forever. Learn what food guilt is, what causes it, and how to stop feeling guilty after eating.
BMI is BS. Here's Why.
From health insurance to doctor’s visits, BMI is widely used in our medical system. It’s where the terms “overweight” and “obese” come from, and it’s often used to indicate someone’s health status. Learn about its problematic roots and the AMA’s latest stance on BMI.
The 5 Best Books About Emotional Eating
These days, emotional eating is all over the media. Diet culture has portrayed it as something shameful and to avoid when in reality, we eat for many reasons, one reason being our emotions! Learn whether emotional eating is something to be concerned about, and the 5 best books about emotional eating.